Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Oops, time got away from me/Bunny cake

Sometimes work gets busy and I neglect the blog. It doesn't nag, or have deliverable deadlines, so tends to fall to the bottom of the heap sometimes. Sorry.

Let's see, what's new? Easter dinner brought a request for the same maple-bacon Brussels sprouts I served at Thanksgiving. They were very good, but a little tough at this time of year. But since someone asked me to please bring them, what could I say but yes? Same thing went for bringing a potato gratin. Lots of heavy cream, some Swiss cheese, some thyme. Very rich and very good with the ham.

I did do one funny thing for Easter: I made a bunny cake. Not my usual style at all. Even used a cake mix and canned frosting, horror of horrors. But it was for the kids, and they weren't going to notice. Put my energy into figuring out how to make a bunny out of two 9" rounds. Used one cut in half for the body, feet, head, and tail out of the other one. Sugar cookies shaped for ears, tinted coconut for grass scattered with gum drops. Not what I'd call a work of art but cute nevertheless.

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